Our Vision, Mission and Values

Quality schools are characterised by many things. Essentially, however, a clear vision for the future, a documented plan for achieving that vision, a deep and rich investment in the quality of teaching being offered and a focus on individual students is paramount.

Our Vision

In Faith, we grow together so that everyone can find their personal extraordinary and enrich our world.

Our Mission

We provide a caring and dynamic learning community dedicated to the promotion of resilience, talents and the attributes of every individual in their quest for personal excellence.

Our Values

Excellence is a personal pursuit. It seeks the highest quality in our endeavours and places a strong value on personal engagement and persistent commitment. Excellence is linked to a positive attitude.  It is something that happens when you make right choices over and over again, especially when no one is looking. Excellence in the little things always adds up to excellence in the big things – and the diametric is also true.

The value of courage lies not in any one act, but in the motivations and values behind it. Simply being brave does not constitute courage. Courage is a state of mind that enables a person to face difficulties and challenges in a positive manner and despite fear. Courage is acting in accordance with one’s convictions and values.

The Christian value of hope enables us to be patient and persevere knowing that despite difficulties, we do not need to conform to the world or be ‘perfect’. Hope is being assured of the promises of eternal life. Hope is more than just relying on your own wisdom and effort, it is finding your identity in Christ Jesus. With hope, we have reason to be optimistic, positive, face challenges, accept failure and to be confident not just in self, but in our future.

The core value of love has great significance and importance because God is love! God so loved the world that he gave his only son. Our response to this sacrifice is to provide a Godly love of unmerited favour to others. Our love of self, others and learning is expressed through our attitudes and actions.

We encourage you to learn more about Lutheran Education in South Australia by visiting Lutheran Education – South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia.

Planning a bright future for your child?

Find your place at Faith